Shape the future of Cochrane!
Over the next few weeks four new members will be elected to the Cochrane Board, the Cochrane Governing body. It consists of 13 people, most of whom are themselves Cochrane members and actively contribute to the work of Cochrane (for example as authors, editors, center directors). They are chosen by other Cochrane members. A smaller part are external persons who are appointed by the board and bring in new ideas. The Board is responsible for directing the development and implementation of Cochrane's strategic direction and oversees the work of the Cochrane Chief Executive and the Central Executive Team.
From November 22nd to December 10th (1.00 pm) all Cochrane members can participate in the elections. In order to be able to vote, it is necessary that your Member Account is activated. An Archie Account alone does not entitle you to vote.
Please check at www.join.cochrane.org/your-membership if your membership account is activated. If not, you can create an account here.
You find further information on the upcoming election here: www.elections.cochrane.org
- more opportunity for discussion within Cochrane
- refocusing on the heart of Cochrane - the Cochrane Reviews
- stronger membership involvement
- further development of the business model toward open access for Cochrane Reviews